Evolution of ERP – Moving from ERP II to ERP III
ERP was designed to integrate operations across the board for your company. ERP II supports the supply functions that help you reduce company costs while improving on the efficiency of your supply chain. ERP III takes everything one step further so you can effectively and efficiently address customer and sales issues. If you are ready to make the transition to ERP III, you can take advantage of the improved management and social functions necessary to effectively compete in today’s market.
What Functions are Featured with ERP II
ERP II focuses mainly on your company’s supply chain area. The ability to reduce company costs throughout your operations as well as managing your vendor and supply chain issues is what ERP II functions are known for. Companies have been relying on ERP II for a number of years to produce higher quality products at a lower cost. With all of this in mind, the main function of ERP II is to add operational excellence by allowing you to “think outside the box” when it comes to your supply chain processes.
Features Offered with ERP III
ERP III was designed to handle the customer value side of your business. The thought process behind ERP III was to integrate ERP and ERP II so that your entire company can be managed through one system, leveraging the benefits of both platforms while also adding some new enhancements. By adding the customer value into the equation, you are now able to manage nearly every aspect of your company through ERP. Although ERP and ERP II are both excellent tools for your company, ERP III has been able to take things a step farther so that you are getting the most out of your company and your investments.
How ERP III will Change the World of Business
There is a wealth of information that is available through ERP III that will make managing your company easier and more efficient. Some of the great technology tools available through ERP III will be the ability to integrate social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter and the technologies available through the Internet. Direct customer collaboration is another powerful tool that is available with the enhancements in ERP III.
Why Social Media Integration Matters in ERP III
Too many companies in the overall market are ignoring the potential in social media strategies. The development of ERP III demonstrates the demand not only exists, but that those leveraging the power of social media are reaping the benefits. Companies can capture the true voice of the customer, develop direction relationships to turn customers into advocates and address issues directly before they become problems. At the same time, your company can drive your own branded message through portals customers actually use.
Moving from ERP II to ERP III
If your company has experience with ERP or ERP II then you will find that ERP III has more functions and features to offer than you probably realize are available. ERP III has been created to handle nearly every function within your supply chain. ERP and ERP II were great products but ERP III has been improved so you can identify and implement the most efficient way to manage your company while keeping costs to a minimum and boosting your sales.

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